My Vanity Page
I think the title says it all. This is a vanity page. Candid pictures of me.  Later there will be some of my professional pics but not just yet.
This was taken at our New Year's party of 2002
Me at the computer, no make-up, hair braided and held back. The lighting is really bright, but that's because the camera is picky.
This was taken at a fetish party. Fetish clothing maker Paul C. was there. I saw this corset and had to have it. He personally fitted me into it. Lovely isn't it? And no, it isn't an edited picture. Yes my waist is cinched that tight. 22inches to be precise.
Once again, at the computer, this time I have make-up on. Oooo....

This page was last updated on:
February 22, 2005

This page was last updated on: February 22, 2005

This page will expand as I decide what other pics to add to it. More to come.
Prep for the wedding of my best friend. She was so patient with it all.
This is the dress I wore to surprise my husband for our tenth anniversary. It left him unablle to speak for a few moments, so I'd say it served its purpose.