My Costumes
If you have found this either I showed it to you or you had the sense to run the cursor over the pics on the previous page. Regardless this is my page of costumes, some from Halloween, others from Cons, still others from parties or events. The past few years I have been showing my fan girl side by sticking mostly to comic book characters for inspiration of what costume to create next.
I'd be the one in the middle incase you didn't guess.
My Blackwidow outfit turned out well I think.
You'd be surprised how many people (men and women) have a thing for Harley Quinn
At least I didn't get any complaints....

This page was last updated on: February 22, 2005

This was my first Bacchanal. James is half hiding behind me. I made nearly every costume in this shot. The next year I made even more of them. I think I have started a trend.
This is a vintage gown, circa 1954. Lovely isn't it?
And yes I'm wearing specs in that pic. I do from time to time, though I prefer my contacts.
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My sister and I in the Living Dead Dolls Costumes I made for us for Halloween 2002.
Hers is Lizzie Borden and mine is Sadie. We won awards for those costumes...
This is the Elvin Leaf armor I made for the project I am currently still working on. I'll post more pics from that project as I get them. I also did the make-up for this shoot. The model's name is Celina "CC" Park.
These two pics are from the MidSouth Con 2004. I wasn't really dressed as anything or anyone in particular, I just liked the outfit. Very Matrix.
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My best friend's wedding. I promised her years ago, that when she wed, I'd be there to make her dress.. and stand by her. I was just pleased I could do it once it came to be. I was also pleased she chose such lovely colours, pale icy blues are so yummy. I have never seem her more dazed and happy. She looked lovely in her satin gown holding her sun flowers, she out shone them by far.:)
That's me in the blonde wig. These are pics of the Scary Tales version of Alice (from Wonderland fame) costume I made and wore for Haloween 2004. The Snow Queen next to me in the first pic is my friend Jenn.

And in case you can't read it, the label on the bottle in the last pic says "Drink Me."
To explain this... the party was winding down , I was getting out of my costume, was nearly undressed, had stripped out of my wig, apron, skirt and bodice.. was down to my chemise and bloomers when my hubby dragged me outside.. ta da., the pic.